Entombed 50 Years, Miss Belvedere Still Turns Heads Ed Newman|Apr 30, 2018 8:32 AM Miss Belvedere finally finds a home After 10 years of de-rusting and restoration, Miss Belvedere finally found a suitor in the form of Historic Auto Attractions,…
Transmission Pan Drop vs. Flush: Which is Better?
Transmission Pan Drop vs. Flush: Which is Better? John Baker|May 08, 2018 10:56 AM It depends on what you want to accomplish. But, first of all, check your owner’s manual to see if your vehicle manufacturer recommends one instead of…
A Beginner’s Guide to Motor Oil: What You Need to Know
A Beginner’s Guide to Motor Oil: What You Need to Know John Baker|May 15, 2018 8:39 AM If you awoke this morning asking yourself, “Gee, I wonder what there is to know about motor oil,” you’re in luck. Here, we…
8 Car Maintenance To-Dos at 200,000 Miles
8 Car Maintenance To-Dos at 200,000 Miles Andy Arendt|May 22, 2018 11:56 AM The average car on the road in the U.S. is 11 years old, and the average owner puts on 13,500 miles per year. If you’re one of…
From The Presidents
From The Presidents Corporate News from AMSOIL INC. You’ve probably read a lot recently about claims of “fake news.” Whether you buy into that or not, a thoughtful look at our society reveals why many people are distrustful of the…