How to Perform Oil Analysis We keep these kits right here in our store. Ask for the one with postage (KIT-02) or with out (KIT-06) for a slight savings. When doing several vehicles use the one w/o postage to send…
Help Revive a Lawn Mower that Runs Rough
Help Revive a Lawn Mower (and other equipment) that Runs Like Crap John Baker|Feb 15, 2018 9:21 AM Judging someone’s character can be boiled down to this key question: do they love going to the dump? An affirmative answer indicates…
What Causes Engine Oil Oxidation?
What Causes Engine Oil Oxidation? John Baker|Oct 17, 2018 10:59 AM As you might expect, oxygen causes engine oil oxidation. Oxygen comprises about 20 percent of our atmosphere. It’s the third most common element in the universe. Without it we’d…
Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter
Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter Chris Sharon|Dec 18, 2017 9:19 AM Originally posted Nov. 11, 2016 With the worst of winter right around the corner, now is a good time to get your vehicle prepared for the worst. Being based…
Transmission Pan Drop vs. Flush: Which is Better?
Transmission Pan Drop vs. Flush: Which is Better? John Baker|May 08, 2018 10:56 AM It depends on what you want to accomplish. But, first of all, check your owner’s manual to see if your vehicle manufacturer recommends one instead of…
8 Car Maintenance To-Dos at 200,000 Miles
8 Car Maintenance To-Dos at 200,000 Miles Andy Arendt|May 22, 2018 11:56 AM The average car on the road in the U.S. is 11 years old, and the average owner puts on 13,500 miles per year. If you’re one of…