Explaining Why European Oils I wanted to keep some of these older post available as they contain some great technical information which is now difficult to find. These from from the older site. New AMSOIL European Car Formula 5W-30 Synthetic…
The New Standard for Modern Diesels – 10W-30
AMSOIL Bypass Kit Install – 02 Dodge 2500 Laramie 5.9
Differential Break-in Factory Fill Warning
Differential Break-in Oils are often Overlooked Motorists know when they’re supposed to change their motor oil. They have oil life monitors, oil change centers and commercials all telling them when it’s time for an oil change. Differential oil changes, on…
2001 Dodge Cummins with simple BMK-11 AMSOIL Kit
2001 Dodge Ram 2500 5.9L Bypass Install
AMSOIL Product Announcements and Leads
“AMSOIL Press Release” Further updates will be contained in the blog area Convenient Warm-Weather Protection New diesel fuel additive combining the cetane boost with the cleaner/lubricant!! A highly asked for combination. Available Jan. 22, 2019 Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane…