Early 2001 Ford F250 7.3L Diesel – Bypass Install

AMSOIL Dual Remote By-Pass Filter System
Submitted by AMSOIL Dealer Tony & Marta Kubisova

Special Instructions:

The location was very important in that I wanted easy access for obtaining oil samples and changing the oil filters. It was also important to assure that the filters were located below the engine and transmission pan depth. The use of two 90° swivels (AMSOIL part number BK-11) on the adapter plate made it much easier to install the lines and eliminated the need for excess line and the potential problems associated with binding and kinking.

The bracket was made from 8″ x 14″ stainless steel bent at 90° 4 inches from the end (other metals have been used). Two holes already located in the horizontal portion of the chassis allow the installation of two 3/8″ bolts. By holding the bracket up to the chassis, mark the two holes in the bottom and drill (2) 3/8″ holes which will be used for initial support. Two washers will be used on the top of the chassis after the bolts are installed in the bracket to compensate for the 1/2″ diameter holes in the chassis. Temporarily install the bracket with the two bolts; this will allow you to locate and mark the other holes on the vertical part of the bracket.

This would also be the best time to mark where you will position the oil filter bracket (1/4″ holes). On the vertical part of the chassis you may find a couple of holes to use. If not you may have to drill some. Mine had two holes: I only had to drill the chassis in one place. Using three sections of 3/8″ threaded stock cut to length, you install jam nuts as pictured on each side of the chassis and the oil filter bracket making it easy to install the bracket. Use lock washers as necessary on the bolts and jam nuts.

I did use a metal sleeve on one section of the threaded stock but this is not necessary if you use jam nuts on both sides of the bracket and the chassis. The filters are secure and have no vibration. This location also allows airflow over the filters to aid in cooling. It is easy to change the filters and take oil samples when needed. Total installation time was about 1-1/2 hours. As you can see it is a simple installation. I have given this to several other AMSOIL users who have installed the same setup.

Older Bypass Kit style but mounting could still be followed using these photos.

Installation Photos –